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Parolle on myönnetty lääkinnällisen laitteen status EU:ssa v. 2021 (93/42/ETY).

Enhancing Geriatric Health Care: PARO for Biofeedback Therapy

An RCT assessing the effects of varying exposure times of therapeutic communication robots on dementia in group homes in Japan

Enhancing Pediatric Care: PARO Therapeutic Robot

The use of robot PARO in therapy for children and adolescents from Ukraine

PARO Robot Interaction Decreases Pain and Agitation Scores in Hospitalized Older Adults with ADRD and/or Delirium

The effectiveness of a therapeutic robot, ‘Paro’, on behavioural and
psychological symptoms, medication use, total sleep time and sociability
in older adults with dementia

Robo Hoiva -hanke toi seurarobotin ja tekoälyn osaksi vanhustenhoidon arkea. 

PARO-hyljerobotti ikääntyneen muistisairaan hoidon ja toi-mintakyvyn tukijana

Opinnäyte: Työntekijöiden kokemuksia PARO-hyljerobotin käytöstä
muistisairaiden ryhmäkodeissa ja päivätoiminnassa

Opinnäyte: PARO hyljerobotti mahdollistamassa ikääntyvän muistisairaan ihmisen kommunikaatio- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja

Opinnäyte: Paro-hyljerobotti varhaiskasvatuksessa, alle kolmevuotiaiden lasten pedagogisessa oppimisympäristössä

Long-term Robot Therapy in a Health Service Facility for the Aged

Comparison of verbal and emotional responses of elderly people with mild/moderate dementia and those with severe dementia in responses to seal robot, PARO

Psychological and Social Effects of One Year Robot Assisted Activity on Elderly People at a Health Service Facility for the Aged

Social and Physiological Influences of Living with Seal Robots in an Elderly Care House for Two Months

Robot Therapy for Elders Affected by Dementia – Using Personal Robots for

Paro Found to Improve Brain Function in Patients with Cognition Disorders

Effects of Robot Seal Paro in Swedish Dementia Care

Therapeutic Seal Robot as Biofeedback Medical Device: Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluations of Robot Therapy in Dementia Care

Paro Found to Improve Brain Function in Patients with Cognition Disorders

Suitability of Healthcare Robots for a Dementia Unit and Suggested Improvements

The Psychosocial Effects of a Companion Robot

Exploring the Effect of Companion Robots on Emotional Expression